Thursday, April 29, 2010

This Gift

That's really me. I still make that face sometimes...and still wear flannel. Guess you don't outgrow some things. I was just reflecting that going to Siena is such a GIFT from the Lord. Yes, it will be an extraordinary time of growth, and yes there will be lots of hard work. But what a gift! God has gifted me this experience through the provision of his followers. His faithful. Servants who know the value of the mission I am embarking on. What a gift for my friends, and family to show me their love and support in this way. Through prayer and financially, I have been SO blessed already. The experience of going to, witnessing and living in Siena, Italy is a beautiful gift from God and His people.
This morning I was reading in Acts. Acts 10:44 shows us that when the gentiles were shown the Holy Spirit they were given a new covenant (and with it the power and love of the Holy Spirit). What a beautiful gift the Holy Spirit is! And what a dang beautiful blessing going to Siena will be. Amen.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

One Bite at a Time

This is kind of how I feel right now. A lot excited, a little hungry for adventure, but a a teeny bit nervous I'm biting off more than I can chew. Siena, Italy is only 16 days away! Good thing the Lord is already going before me... Dead week (the week before finals) is a little overwhelming at this point, but I find myself sometimes day dreaming about being in Siena, or going over the list in my head of things I need to pack for the trip. Its that stage I'm at now. The "I-have-trouble-falling-asleep-because-I-keep-making-lists-in-my-head" stage. So excited though, can't even begin to tell you how much joy the Lord has already shown me during this process. Sometimes I doubt, and then I make the concious decision, "I will trust the Lord for this minute, of this day." And then tomorrow, I will do the same thing. Maybe its not the best long term faith strategy, but what can I say, at best I'm a work in progress! :)

Trust and Obey. Trust and Obey. Trust and Obey. Trust and Obey...

I snuck in a few quick minutes to read a bit of Vintage Jesus by Mark Driscoll, one of my favorite books, it had been a while since I've read this book. Here's one passage that was a good reminder to me:

"At the cross, what was intended as eradication was used by God for multipilication, and we pray that you would always be loyal to Jesus, our hero, and his revolution."


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

21 Days

In exactly 21 days, my Siena adventure will officially commence. My team and I will be meeting up in Seattle and the next day...flying across the world. Sometimes I still can't believe I'm actually going. It seems like just a few days ago I got the email from the Yen meister asking me to pray about going to this far-off place called Siena in Tuscany.
Yesterday, I was privileged enough to lead the morning prayer session with all my fellow Cru cougs. The verse I read from was Isaiah 52:7 "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, "Your God reigns." (ESV)

I am getting excited to go share the message of hope and life through Jesus Christ with the students in Siena. I have about $3,400 in support raised, thanks to the obedient and faithful hearts of so many loved ones, friends and acquintances. Thank you, and I pray that you may be blessed abundantly because of your generosity! Amen.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


$2,900! God is providing! AMEN.