Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Class Party.

It was just another typical day in our classroom. Wait, no actually, it wasn't. My students were being abnormally quiet/productive/studious. I decided they had earned a "class point" for their good behavior.

Dumb, dumb, dumb idea.

You see, I wasn't paying attention when I awarded them this glorious class point. If I, in that split second before I opened my big mouth, had had the insight to look at the whiteboard, I would have realized the class had earned 49 points.

And so they earned magical number 50.

Cheers broke out. I got really nervous. Festive noises usually means someone has discovered a new bodily function in the first grade.

Thus, I give you the following conversation. I tried to remember it word for word because it was just too ridiculous.


Me: OH guys, you have successfully earned 50 class points! Good job, so you've earned a class party.

'Jimmy': That is a MIRACLE.

Me: Does anyone have an idea of how we could spend our points and what we should do for our class party? Raise your hand, please.

Jimmy: Let's buy a Harp Seal!!
(for the record, we have been doing a study unit on polar regions)

'Hank': Let's buy a Wii!!!

Me: Does anyone have an idea we can actually do? These are class points, not dollars.

'Pat': I LOVE LLAMAS!!! Let's go to the Llama farm in Walla, Walla!

Me: Again, this is a class party guys, not a field trip.

Jimmy: Ice-Cream!

Pat: I LOVE Ice-Cream!

Hank: A Slip-N-Slide!!

----Much Laughter----

Pat: A Slip-N-Slide with ice-cream at the end of it!!

----Much Laughter, Lots of Clapping----

Me: I think maybe I should just come up with ideas for the class party and then we'll vote on it tomorrow.

Jimmy: (whispering to Hank) Do you think Seals like ice-cream?

1 comment:

  1. Kaley, this is hilarious.. I really think you should get them a seal for their slip-n-slide ice cream party ;) Cute blog.. I love it!
