Thursday, September 9, 2010

All It Took

I was recently discussing with a good friend my singleness. I talked about how surprisingly happy I am, how I love the ways God is currently stretching and molding my heart and how I love learning to be a teacher. We laughed at some funny stories of dates gone wrong, bad set-ups, and how awkward I can be when I don't know where I stand with someone.

This friend asked me, "Kaley, what would it take to win your heart?"

My mind sobered up. Such a loaded question. I had no idea really.... a long list of character traits, qualities and things I am attracted to entered my mind. But the Holy Spirit whispered into my heart. And my heart sighed that happy, soul-deep, freely shown sigh of utter content.

And in a quiet voice I replied, "All it took was a couple of nails and a wooden cross."

And you, who were dead in your trespass and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgive us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross.
-Col. 2:13

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. -Matt. 6:21

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

20 Things I Learned on the First Day of First Grade

1) "Jimmy" doesn't know how to zip his jeans.

2) The copy machine is my worst enemy. We have a hate/hate relationship where I am ultimately always the loser.

3) Watch out for the single dads.

4) A hug can be the difference maker that changes everything.

5) The laughter of little boys in the bathroom is a mystery..."WHAT is going on in there and why is it so funny??"

6) Sometimes the parents need the reassuring smile more than the child does. "Yea, I've got this. Go, get your grocery list checked off. Your child already loves me...I can tell by the way she is hugging the back of my legs, k? Everything is fine..and by everything, I mean you."

7) By the end of the day my feet are killing me but my heart is full.

8) Every little girl has something sparkly on the first day. Shoes, shirts, backpacks, keychains, hair clips, shoe laces, pencils, earrings, glitter tattoos...but mostly, their eyes light up and sparkle when you notice the sparkly thing that they have secretly been wanting you to notice since they walked in the classroom.

9) Document cameras are the ish and the kids are mesmerized by them. Jackpot baby.

10) I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me.

11) My organizational skills are being honed and perfected.

12) I crave something warm and caffeinated around 2:15. Or just some sort of adrenaline rush.

13) 6 and 7 years olds think I smell great. Viva la Juicy.

14) We all win with recess.

15 I have this irrational fear that my class will be the ones to set fire to the room, 'cause a whole school mutiny or stab each other with the freshly sharpened pencils their parents bought.

16) Teaching is the letting loose of my pent up loving/nurturing/helping side. I get to provide a safe and homey place for people (well, little people)... and my heart thrives on that.

17) Clorox wipes are money.

18) Um, they can't remember the flag salute.

19) There are kids who fart and get embarrassed. And then there are the repeat offenders, who the cafeteria staff know: "are not allowed to participate in 'Taco Tuesday' or 'Burritos & Beans' on Fridays."

20) The fact that I own a skateboard makes me the coolest teacher, like, ever.

Haha & Amen,
Miss Adams