This is kind of how I feel right now. A lot excited, a little hungry for adventure, but a a teeny bit nervous I'm biting off more than I can chew. Siena, Italy is only 16 days away! Good thing the Lord is already going before me... Dead week (the week before finals) is a little overwhelming at this point, but I find myself sometimes day dreaming about being in Siena, or going over the list in my head of things I need to pack for the trip. Its that stage I'm at now. The "I-have-trouble-falling-asleep-because-I-keep-making-lists-in-my-head" stage. So excited though, can't even begin to tell you how much joy the Lord has already shown me during this process. Sometimes I doubt, and then I make the concious decision, "I will trust the Lord for this minute, of this day." And then tomorrow, I will do the same thing. Maybe its not the best long term faith strategy, but what can I say, at best I'm a work in progress! :)
Trust and Obey. Trust and Obey. Trust and Obey. Trust and Obey...
I snuck in a few quick minutes to read a bit of Vintage Jesus by Mark Driscoll, one of my favorite books, it had been a while since I've read this book. Here's one passage that was a good reminder to me:
"At the cross, what was intended as eradication was used by God for multipilication, and we pray that you would always be loyal to Jesus, our hero, and his revolution."